"When it get's cold everyone hibernates and hustles at half speed. Not me, I double my efforts, and catch ya'll slipping come spring time."
So I make my way through the week with grace and ease. Turn in a video editing project at the deadline and I'm pleased with how my skills are progressing in that class in such a short time. Thinking possibly just maybe technology isn't that bad.
Thursday, I was suppose to hit up this open mic, and do somethings in the burbs but I get a call from a long lost fair weather friend. She informs me that herself and a dancer I don't really care for will be coming into Chicago for a few nights and I should come get down with them. So against my better judgement I rally up the troops and I head out to the city one evening early. The dancer I don't really care for sort of speaks out against my most favorite dance style. So I made sure to bring one of the best of said style out with me to the "Butterfly Social" lounge on Thursday evening. I also gather up Chicago's very own, Tonic and Barberick who recently shot a great documentary with me (see it NOW!!!). So it's Mr. Distortion, Tonic, Barberick, and the very lovable combo of D-skreet & Purple chillen with me @ the lounge. DJ Marcus Shadden shows up shortly after us and begins playing some of my favorite house jams.
Marcus is a hustler's hustler and honest as all get out to boot. The dude has only been living in Chicago a few years and has already has some of the best nights in the club scene. Aside from that he's an amazing producer, painter, dancer, and just all around exceptional human being. Mr. Shadden thanks so much for taking care of us as you always do and thanks for everything you continue to do.
The night ticks away and it becomes clear the dancers who told me to come out won't be showing up. It's all good, I got down with some great peoples, heard some amazing tunes, and didn't have to talk sideways to a single person. I really wanted to watch Distortion trace the fuck out of this loud mouthed hoe though...but...ya know...theres definitely time.
So, Distortion and I pack it up and head back to AwesomeHQ. He begins making the pork chop surprise thing and I start baking a pan of brownies. Sleep catches up to me really fast and I pass out watching "The One" with JetLi.
I wake in the morning worried about burnt brownies and come to find Scott saved the day & the brownies. The day from there on out for the most part will not be in this post. I'm doing a full write up on the day a proper right up, that goes along with this video I just made a few days back. Not to much heart break in that day...Actually...A huge rebuilding of my most menacing muscle.
Like the beatles said..."And I saw her standing there." Except in this context she's 26 and she was on stage looking like hope hopped up on salvation for a weary mind. I don't mind, take your time, just know, I'd like to talk with you like...ummm all the time. HAHA!
So I'll skip to saturday...truly the most heartbreaking day out of this entire month. There is a ton of scrambling that is going on, running here's and there's, but it's all to get ready for this dance workshop I was hosting with my good buddy D-skreet.
Leading up to the workshop I got a great response on line and had some friends from the offline world that said they would come through and support. So I get to the studio 15 minutes early to just crash face first into failure. Now, those that attended wouldn't agree at all, but I really was hoping from what people had been telling me that we'd have @ least 15 students (facebook said 32(YOU LIED FACEBOOK!!!)). I'm trying to raise money for my conference but most importantly. I was trying to get money in one of the most remarkable dancers pockets that I've had the honor of getting down with.
David is dopeness that always is in dance mode and he's truly ahead of the curve in so many ways. However it seems like people say they are going to give him money. Or he should be getting paid to do something and it just doesn't happen. Times are tuff on us all and I just don't want to see that erode my friends amazing dance talent (like it ever would).
Thanks to the people who did come out and support we broke even on renting the spot and I came out of pocket a little bit to get my man some dough. On the really real though...the realest of reals. If you tell me something, please do it, and if you can't do it....Just let me know, text, email, phonecall, smoke signals, pigeon carrier, and the list goes on. Because it was a moment of defeat I needed to not feel and I'm not saying names and I'm not pointing fingers but....uhhhh...wtf!
AHHAHAHAA! with that being said...will be hosting dance workshops for all the months leading up to the conference. I know those that said they would be there will be there eventually. You have to start somewhere and we had a great group of folks show up and support something at its earliest stages. So, it was gut wrenching but not nearly as bad as....
...walking into that damn roller rink and having to pay 15 bucks!!! yikes!!! I watched my friends do there thing but like yikes, the sound was awful, and there was next to no one there. I heard after 11 they were charging 20 bucks...WTF!!! I remember hearing everyone bitch about juggernaut being 20bucks. Let me say, because i want to say...You should get what the hell you pay for. I went to the congress and felt like the experience warranted the cover charge. I left the roller rink wanting to strangle some promoters...but all of that washed away when she shoved into me.
Yeah, so, we bumped into each other the night before, and it topped off one of the most memorable days of my life. So...oddly enough...we chilled out at the venue where I first came to realize the magnificent mind that she has. This one, my fellow readers, is the type...the type to cut through your strife with a hot knife and keep you smiling through the night...all the way till like 9:30 in the morning. She loses herself in music in the most magnificent way and has compassion that I contradicts my very ethics. That right there, scares the shit out of me, but I'll be damned if she doesn't test my wits in a wonderful way. So I put in the time, start the journey into the mysterious Bermuda triangle known to many males as...THE FRIEND ZONE.
Fuck it!
The month was wild...Lost a great friend, I MEAN A GREAT FRIEND!!!
Got my hopes up and had them speared about by the careless words of peoples that can't afford to care about the things I do as much as I do.
Laughed my ass off with some amazing friends.
Danced till my body ached.
cried the things I haven't cried about in YEARS to the only person I think I can trust those things with.
...AND ya know what, I'm ready to win that million dollars in March.
I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!! If your reading this I love you!!! Seriously, I'd still be writing even if you weren't ;) but man! it feels good to know some people troll my life. Yeah even you Ken :D If you are reading this click the little follow button on the right, so I know who I'm writing to.
Peace friends...See ya next month.
million dollar march i hope its filled with priceless smiles...