


Monday, December 7, 2009

end of the day rant

Was over at a buddies watching some football. When in strolls in a parasite to the T. I'm sure there is are some good qualities I choose to not see in him because of our rich history. However he is who he is to me and I haven't seen great strides in his development as a human being over the years. I've had a lot of friends over the years. I believe I suffered from a fairly common form of co-dependency that had me hanging out with dick faced, ignorant, narrowly informed tool boxes. I'm glad to look out into my life at this very moment and see the people I call my friends to be far from this poor young souls reach. He just comes over and starts vomiting cynicism and the darkest forms of sarcasm all about the place. And I flash back to when an ill informed young man found great humor in his rantings. Now all I can do is listen and wish the volume on the TV would override his diatribe. He didn't stay long, off to smoke what I found him, didn't even offer to smoke my buddy or I down. Truly...a user, a parasite, and an amazing reason for me to get out of bed in the morning and attempt to make this world a better place. I'm sure I sound a bit self righteous but I am a bit self righteous. I realize the worlds fucked up and if anyone is going to do something about it, it's going to be me. Good night & Good Guidance

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