


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Today it would seem is fit for free falling...

I wake to snow dumping from the sky. I have an hour to get to my biology group final and I get this nasty urge to have the driveway shoveled before I leave. So I push my ear buds in, scrape the sleep from my head, and dive out into a brilliantly salted world. Slipknot screaming out my buds and the shoveling passes by rather quickly...twenty minutes top...I impress some squirrels. I run in shower, shave, slip into my suit, and head to class. We crush our presentation, now get to chill the rest of the week, and I head out to meet a friend for coffee.

Previously, this weekend, I was given the untimely news that I would have to re locate a few months before I thought I would. Up until this afternoon of hot chocolaty drinks I was really bummed about it. For one the way it came about and for two the fact that it was happening around the holidays. I'm not sure why (maybe it has something to do with me professing this) but the holidays are always tuff on me. Crazy fiasco's just seem to multiply and I get to try and maintain a civil disposition, while the world embraces a dead materialistic tradition.

However, my afternoon coffee session, went from laying the frame work to a possible evening together. To me having a doper place to live, at the same price, but much closer to my job and friends. I write this because, ya just never know, where the day will take you, what the week is leading you to. It's easy to lose your cool, hate the world, be beaten down by your situation, but I tell no lies. Cool heads do prevail and with enough expensive hot water and chocolate, everything makes sense.

I'm a bump some Tom Petty today!!!

If you can come make it out to Jimmy's Grill tonight were hosting our second Open Mic night. See ya there.

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